Wave Energy is one of the niche Water Energy Technologies that is still in its infancy stage in terms of technology maturity.Wave Energy has been around a long time with around 350 patents being granted for this technology and more than 100 startups working on this renewable energy form.However only 2-3 companies are operating commercial wave power plants and very few companies have received funding to build demonstration projects Wave Energy basically derives power from the movement of waves to generate electricity or power.Wave Power exists due to the differences in the speed of ocean water and wind power.The energy is transferred by the Wind Energy to the Waves which can be utilized to generate power.A wide variety of wave energy generators like buoys,underwater devices are being developed to harness the power of the waves in a cost efficient manner.Wave Energy Research is concentrated mainly in the United Kingdom which has made tidal and wave power central to meeting its 2020 European goal for renewable energy.Edinburgh in UK has become a center of wave energy development and EMEC has developed Cornwall as an important site for demonstration of wave energy projects.Some of the wave power companies are listed on the stock market as well.Due to the technology immaturity ,most of these stocks are micro cap and not an investible class for big investors.
Read about the pros and cons of wave energy.
Also read about offshore wind companies
Top Wave Energy Companies
Wave Energy Companies in Edinburgh,Scotland and UK
Wave Energy Companies in USA
Wave Energy Companies in Norway
Pelagic Power AS is a Norwegian company.It has developed W2Power concept which is a combination of structures for wind and wave power.W2Power is designed from first principles as a true hybrid wind & wave energy conversion plant. Two corners of the triangle support one wind turbine each, and the third corner houses the wave energy power take-off using a Pelton turbine.The platform will be rated at more than 10 MW total in areas with a strong wave climate.
Wave Energy Companies in Australia
Ocean Wave Power Stocks
Note there are only very few ocean power stocks
The 2 stocks that I could find was
List of All Wave Power Companies by Country (sourc EMEC)
Able Technologies L.L.C. | Electric Generating Wave Pipe | B | USA |
AeroVironment Inc | eel Grass | B | USA |
AlbaTERN | Squid | A | UK |
Applied Technologies Company Ltd | Float Wave Electric Power Station | B | Russia |
Aquamarine Power | Oyster | C | UK |
Aqua-Magnetics Inc | Electric Buoy | B | USA |
Arlas Invest | TUVALU | B | Spain |
Atmocean | Atmocean | B | USA |
AW Energy | Waveroller | C | Finland |
AWS Ocean Energy | Archimedes Wave Swing | B | UK |
Balkee Tide and Wave Electricity Generator | TWPEG | B | Mautitius |
BioPower Systems Pty Ltd | bioWave | C | Australia |
Bourne Energy | OceanStar ocean power system | A | USA |
Brandl Motor | Brandl Generator | B | Germany |
Caley Ocean Systems | Wave Plane | UK/Denmark | |
Carnegie Wave Energy Limited | CETO (Cylindrical Energy Transfer Oscillator) | B | Australia |
Checkmate Seaenergy UK Ltd. | Anaconda | G | UK |
College of the North Atlantic | SARAH Pump | F | Canada |
Columbia Power Technologies | Direct Drive Permanent Magnet Linear Generator Buoy / Permanent Magnet Rack and Pinion Generator Buoy / Contact-less Force Transmission Generator Buoy | B | USA |
C-Wave | C-wave | A | UK |
Daedalus Informatics Ltd | Wave Energy Conversion Activator | C | Greece |
Dartmouth Wave Energy | SeaRaser Buoy (seawater pump) | B | UK |
Delbuoy | Wave Powered Desalination | B | USA |
DEXA WAVE Energy Aps | DEXA WAVE Converter | A | Denmark |
Dresser-Rand | HydroAir | D | USA |
Ecofys | Wave Rotor | G | Netherlands |
Ecole Centrale de Nantes | SEAREV | D | France |
Ecomerit Technologies | Centipod | A | USA |
Edinburgh University | Sloped IPS Buoy | A | UK |
ELGEN Wave | Horizon Platform | B | USA |
Embley Energy | Sperboy | B | UK |
Energias de Portugal | Foz do Douro breakwater | D | Portugal |
ETYMOL | ETYMOL | G | Chile |
Euro Wave Energy | Floating absorber | B | Norway |
Float Inc. | Pneumatically Stabilized Platform | B | USA |
Floating Power Plant A/S | Poseidon’s Organ | A | Denmark |
Fobox AS | FO3 | D | Norway |
Fred Olsen Ltd | The B1 Buoy | A | Norway |
Fred Olsen & Co./Ghent University | SEEWEC | B | Norway/EU |
GEdwardCook | Syphon Wave Generator | F | USA |
GEdwardCook | Floating Wave Generator | A | USA |
Grays Harbor Ocean Energy Company | Titan Platform | D | USA |
Green Ocean Energy Ltd | Wave Treader / Ocean Treader | A | UK |
Green Ocean Wave Energy | Ocean Wave Air Piston | B | USA |
Greencat Renewables | Wave Turbine | A | UK |
GyroWaveGen | GyroWaveGen | G | USA |
Hann-Ocean | Drakoo | B | Singapore |
HidroFlot SA | Hidroflot | B | Spain |
Hydam Technology | McCabe Wave Pump | A | Ireland |
HydroGen | HydroGen 10 | D | France |
Independent Natural Resources | SEADOG | B | USA |
Indian Wave Energy Device | IWAVE | B | India |
Inerjy | WaveTORK | E | USA |
Ing Arvid Nesheim | Oscillating Device | B | Norway |
Instituto Superior Tecnico | Pico OWC | D | Portugal |
Intentium AS | Intentium Offshore Wave Energy Converter | G | Norway |
Interproject Service (IPS) AB | IPS OWEC Buoy | B | Sweden |
JAMSTEC | Mighty Whale | E | Japan |
Jospa Ltd | Irish Tube Compressor (ITC) | G/E | Ireland |
Joules Energy Efficiency Services Ltd | TETRON | B | Ireland |
Kinetic Wave Power | PowerGin | E | USA |
Kneider Innovations | Wave Energy Propulsion | A | France |
Lancaster University | PS Frog | B | England |
Langlee Wave Power | Langlee System | C | Norway |
Leancon Wave Energy | Multi Absorbing Wave Energy Converter (MAWEC) | D | Denmark |
Manchester Bobber | Manchester Bobber | B | UK |
Martifer Energia | FLOW | A | Portugal |
Motor Wave | Motor Wave | B | Hong Kong |
Muroran Institute of Technology | Pendulor | Japan | |
Nautilus | Wave Energy Convertor for near shore deployment. Buoy driven piston driving pressurised air to onshore energy convertor | B | Israel |
Navatek Ltd | Navatek WEC | A | USA |
Neptune Renewable Energy Ltd | Triton | C | UK |
Neptune Systems | MHD Neptune | G | Netherlands |
New Energy Solutions LLC | Oscillating Cascade Power System (OCPS) | D | USA |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology | CONWEC | B | Norway |
Ocean Energy Industries, Inc. | WaveSurfer | B | USA |
Ocean Energy Ltd | Ocean Energy Buoy | D | Ireland |
Ocean Harvesting Technologies | Ocean Harvester | A | Sweden |
Ocean Motion International | OMI Combined Energy System | B | USA |
Ocean Navitas | Aegir Dynamo | B | UK |
Ocean Power Technologies | Power Buoy | B | UK / USA |
Ocean Wave Energy Company | OWEC | F | USA |
Ocean Wavemaster Ltd | Wave Master | G | UK |
Oceanic Power | SeaHeart | B | Spain |
Oceanlinx | GreenWAVE / BlueWAVE | D | Australia |
Oceantec Energías Marinas, S.L. | Oceantech Energy Convertor | A | Spain |
Offshore Islands Limited | Wave Catcher | G | USA |
Offshore Wave Energy Ltd | OWEL WEC | C | UK |
ORECon | MRC 1000 | D | UK |
Ocean Wave and Wind Energy (OWWE) | Wave Pump Rig | B | Norway |
Ocean Wave and Wind Energy (OWWE) | OWWE-Rig (Hybrid Technology) | E | Norway |
Pelagic Power AS | PelagicPower | B | Norway |
Pelamis Wave Power | Pelamis | A | UK |
PerpetuWave Power Pty Ltd | Hybrid Float | A | CA/USE |
Pontoon Power | Pontoon Power Converter | A | Norway |
Protean Energy Limited | Protean | B | AUS |
Renewable Energy Pumps | Wave Water Pump (WWP) | D | USA |
Resolute Marine Energy, Inc | Resolute WEC | B | USA |
RWE nPower renewables | OWC | D | Germany |
Ryokuseisha | WAG Buoy | A | Japan |
Sara Ltd | MHD Wave Energy Conversion (MWEC) | G | USA |
SDE | S.D.E | C | Israel |
Sea Power International AB | Streamturbine | Sweden | |
Seabased AB | Linear generator (Islandsberg project) | B | Sweden |
SeaNergy | SeaNergy | F | Israel |
Seatricity | B | UK | |
SeaVolt Technologies | Wave Rider | B | USA |
Seawood Designs Inc | SurfPower | B | Canada |
SEEWEC Consortium | FO3 | B | UK |
SeWave Ltd | OWC | D | Faroe Islands |
Sieber Energy Inc | SieWave | Canada | |
SRI International | Generator utilizing patented electroactive polymer artificial muscle (EPAMT) technology | USA | |
Straumekraft AS | Winch operated buoy | B | Norway |
Swell Fuel | Lever Operated Pivoting Float | B | USA |
SyncWave | SyncWave Power Resonator | B | Canada |
T Sampath Kumar | Rock n Roll | A | India |
Tecnalia | PSE-MAR | A | Spain |
Tremont Electric | nPower® WEC | B | USA |
Trident Energy Ltd, Direct Thrust Designs Ltd | The Linear Generator | B | UK |
Union Electrica Fenosa of Spain | OWC | D | Spain |
University of Edinburgh | Salter’s Duck | A | N.A. |
Uppsala University | Uppsala/Seabased AB Wave Energy Convertor | B | Sweden |
Vigor Wave Energy AB | Vigor Wave Energy Converter | A | Sweden |
Voith Hydro Wavegen | Limpet | D | UK |
Vortex Oscillation Technology ltd | Vortex oscillation | A | Russia |
Wave Dragon | Wave Dragon | E | Wales / Denmark |
Wave Energy AS | Seawave Slot-Cone Generator | E | Norway |
Wave Energy Centre (WaVEC) | Pico plant | D | Portugal |
Wave Energy Technologies Inc. | WET EnGen™ | B | Canada |
Wave Energy Technology | WET-NZ | B | New Zealand |
Wave Power Group | Salter Duck, Sloped IPS | A | UK |
Wave Star Energy ApS | Wave Star | B | Denmark |
Waveberg Development | Waveberg | A | USA |
WaveBob Limited | Wave Bob | B | Ireland |
Wavemill Energy | Wavemill | Canada | |
WavePiston | WavePiston | A | Denmark |
WavePlane Production | Wave Plane | E | Denmark |
Wello OY | Penguin | A | Finland |
WindWavesAndSun | WaveBlanket | G | USA |
Yu Energy Corp | Yu Oscillating Generator “YOG” | C | USA |
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