Exxon, Chevron, BP, Shell, Total and others are being alleged to have suppressed information related to climate change and funding studies and researches, which debunked global warming and climate change. These giant organizations make hundreds of billions of dollars in profits every year through oil and gas sales. Their massive empires would come under threat, if climate change due to humans was found to be true. These companies used their massive power to thwart the fight against climate change, endangering the entire human race. It is a known fact that these companies have been advertising for years to make climate change look like a conspiracy theory, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Carbon emissions have pretty much reached the point of no return and scientists are predicting that the world temperature will increase by more than 2%, even if the recent INDCs are implemented. For years, these companies have lobbied the governments not to do more about global warming, despite it being one of the biggest threats to mankind. The Koch brothers who owe their wealth to the oil and gas industry have been at the forefront of making global warming look like a nutcase theory. But with global public opinion becoming stronger against climate change, these companies are now facing investigations from the NY public prosecutor’s office for not acting against the research.
Also read the list of Oil & Gas Companies in India.
Due to their massive energy R&D, these companies have been leaders in alternative energy in the past. The main advances in geothermal and solar energy were made by companies like Chevron and BP. But these companies never put their money into these technologies, as it would threaten their bread and butter oil and gas business. They have also never put in serious money into green technologies like biofuels. Now these companies will be investigated to check whether they never acted on their findings on climate change. The CEOs of these companies would have suppressed the findings for business as usual, even through the whole human race faces an existential crisis. It has been known for years the oil and gas transnationals care two hoots about climate change and they have used their money power to silence the warnings about climate change. But with problems now growing acute, things cannot be pushed under the carpet anymore. Its time these companies face comeuppance for their past misdeeds.