Wind Turbines are generally considered safe and reliable though there have been cases of Blade Cracks and Falling. However the recent cases of Wind Turbine Explosions and 15 feet blades flying off have generally been not seen before. With 112 mph winds,the extreme stress cases of wind turbines were tested in UK recently. The gale like conditions led to some of these wind turbines failing.W hile a couple of wind turbines burst into fire some of them saw their 15 ft blades flying off. This is not to say that wind energy is dangerous,just that extreme nature conditions can lead to accidents for solar panels and wind turbines as well.
Guardian has excellent pictures and details of these wind turbine accidents.
Note UK has the largest offshore wind power capacity in the world and is strongly promoting offshore wind energy.Offshore Wind Energy is starting to receive a huge amount of investment and attention both in Europe and Asia. Onshore wind installations facing the problems of visual impact,saturation of good windy geological locations and problems of low frequency noise. However Offshore Wind Farms face no such problems since they are located in high wind locations offshore far away from the general population. The largest Wind Farm got installed in the UK with Swedish Utility Vattenfal starting a 300 MW + Farm off the cost of Thanet. UK is at the vanguard of the Offshore Wind Energy Revolution with the largest amount of installations at 1340 MW.T he Government has given out a number of approvals to another 30-40 GW of Wind Farms to a number of private players.T his will not only substantially raise the Renewable Energy generated from UK but will also result in a huge number of Green Jobs and Investment. Already a number of Oil and Gas offshore companies are converting themselves to Green Ones to take advantage of the Offshore Wind Boom. The Wind Farms are being developed by big utilities like Dong,E.ON,EDP and RWE.
1 Comment
The Obama administration has aealrdy issued the orders to close down the US coal fired plants with nothing to replace this electric supply. Wind & solar can’t possibly be installed in time to replace these plants. Then the grid has to be built for them. Result will be the same as in Germany with no reliable source of electricity. Wnd and solar can’t produce reliable supplies of electricity anyway.