
March 31, 2011

7 Cons of Nuclear Energy – Catastrophic Tail Risks Enormous

Nuclear Energy is one of the most important sources of Energy for Humans accounting for almost 15% of the world's electricity capacity.Most of the Developed Countries have installed gigawatts of nuclear power during the heydays of 1960-1980s before the Chernobyl and Three Mile Nuclear Reactor Failures.Nuclear Energy has come into renewed focus after the drastic nuclear accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Plant of TEPCO in north Japan.The 6 nuclear reactors have to be decommissioned after most of the safety processes failed at the plant following a massive earthquake.However Nuclear Energy will continue to play a big role as the installed base of nuclear power is too huge and the growing demands of developing countries too large.China and India have massive growth targets for Nuclear Power given its low costs and non-GHG emitting properties.Like Hydroelectricity,Nuclear Electricity is the only large scale baseload source of energy which does not contribute to Global Warming.There are many advantages to nuclear power but the massive tail risks of catastrophic radioactive poisoning is too enormous.This has resulted in a global backlash as people across the world (Germany,India) are protesting to stop Nuclear Power.NIMBY concerns are growing by the day as the fallout from radiation can permanently make a large area inhospitable to human/animal life for many years.Here are the detailed list of the Cons of Nuclear Energy.
March 31, 2011

Hydroelectricity Costs – Not as Simple as Dollars per Kilowatthour

Hydroelectricity is one of the largest sources of energy accounting for roughly 20% of the worldwide demand of electricity with around 800 GW of capacity installed.There is considerable potential still left and developing countries like India and China can be expected to install another 500 GW over the coming years.Hydroelectricity is very important as it does not lead to GHG emissions and contribute to global warming.It also does not have the drawbacks like other renewable energy forms of high costs and intermittency.The advantages of hydroelectricity are substantial enough to far outweigh any disadvantages.But like nuclear energy,hydro power has some tail risks which can lead to catastrophic damage.The costs of hydroelectricity are not a simple function of dollar costs.It should also take into account the massive displacement costs in case of massive hydro dams,the loss of ecology and potential tails risks which can lead to massive payments.
March 31, 2011

Net Metering – Definition,Guide to this Electricity Policy,Fake Feed in Tariffs,Importance of Solar Net Metering

Net Metering is a very important Electricity Policy for the promotion of Distributed Electricity Production from Renewable Energy Sources especially Solar Energy.All consumer establishments connected to the power grid have an electricity meter installed which measure the amount of power consumed during a month in Kilowatt Hours (KwH) which is known as one unit.The power utility compiles the data for power consumption during 1 month and sends a bill which is usually the number of KwH multiplied by the retail electricity rate which can vary widely from 10c/KwH to around 35c/KwH depending on the geography.
March 31, 2011

How to make Solar Panels – Why its Stupid to Build your own DIY Solar Systems

Solar Panels have become a mass phenomenon as Bloomberg reported a few days ago rivaling in explosive growth the Apple iPad. Falling prices of solar panels […]
March 31, 2011

Green Companies in India – Biomass,Solar,Wind,Geothermal,Hydroelectricity Energy Producers,Alternative Energy Utilities

India's Green Companies are seeing tremendous growth backed by the nation's massive energy demand increase.The 8% Plus Economic Growth coupled with the already massive electricity deficit which makes brownouts of 8 hours a day normal in many places in the country provides the macro background underpinning the growth.India's Green Industry is still in a nascent state compared to the massive solar and wind industries in countries like China and Germany.However attracted by the massive potential a number of companies small and large have entered the fray.Most of India's large energy groups,utilities have already established a small presence or are in process of doing so.While Wind Energy is the largest Renewable Energy Industry in India after HydroElectricity,Geothermal Energy is non-existent without a single large commercial plant.Biomass Energy is quite well developed and Solar Energy is the fastest growing Green Industry.Here is a comprehensive list of the Green Companies in India operating in the different Alternative Energy Sectors.
March 31, 2011

China to boost Solar at expense of Nuclear Energy in Fukushima aftermath

China which has the most ambitious growth planned for nuclear energy is already rethinking its target 3 weeks after the Fukushima plant in Japan started spewing out radioactivity.Note there has been a strong global backlash against nuclear energy around the world and 7 nuclear plants in Germany have been closed all but in name.Other countries like South Korea,Italy,Switzerland are rethinking of what do about their nulcear reactors giving the massive tail risks with nuclear generation.Already 2 earlier nuclear disasters in Chernobyl and Three Mile Island had massively damaged the surrounding ecosystem poisoning humans and animals alike with radiation.Japan too may see its land areas near the reactors be quarantined for many years as TEPCO has failed to control the nuclear plant and government will probably pour concrete.
March 31, 2011

Obama's New Energy Policy – Just a lot of Empty Gas (Rhetoric)

Obama's outlined a New Energy Policy as he periodically does without any far reaching national goals on to reduce America's dependence on billions of barrels of imported oil which cause global warming,finance terrorist and prop up brutal regimes in the Middle East.However his periodic bursts of rhetoric on the US Energy Policy is nothing but a lot of empty gas without any specifics.Earlier he used to stress on nuclear energy which has been thrown out of the window with the Fukushima nuclear disaster.His plans of supporting the nuclear energy industry with $36 billion in DOE loans seems a bad if not a gruesome joke.Similarly last year his plans of allowing offshore drilling for Oil also fell flat after the massive BP Oil Spill ecological disaster.
March 31, 2011

Reactor 1 "Recritical" as Radioactive Chlorine Detected, Japan thinking Concrete Burial,Radiation increases to 4385 legal limit in Seawater

The Reactor 1 of the failed Fukushima Daichi plant might be recritical as Radioactive Chlorine has been detected suggesting chain reactions continued after the reactor shut down.This is quite alarming and has made Japan thing about pouring concrete into its crippled Fukushima atomic plant IEAE warned that a potential uncontrolled chain reaction could cause further radiation leaks.The risk to workers might be greater than previously thought because melted fuel in the No. 1 reactor building may be causing isolated, uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions.Dumping concrete on the plant would serve a second purpose: it would trap contaminated water, said Tony Roulstone, an atomic engineer who directs the University of Cambridge’s masters program in nuclear energy.
March 30, 2011

Solar and Wind – Competition and Cooperation between the these Dominant Renewable Energy Sources

Solar and Wind Energy are the two most widely used forms of Renewable Energy amongst others like Geothermal,Tidal,Biomass etc.While Hydro and Nuclear Energy are also considered by some to be Alternative forms of Energy,most governments do not count these two in their renewable targets.Wind Energy has been the dominant amongst the 2 in the last 2 decades as falling prices of Wind Power has made it more widely used.However the rapidly declining costs of Solar Energy has made it the faster growing of the two with 50% annual growth being seen in the last decade.Solar Energy also has a much larger potential than any other form of Energy.However its higher costs have inhibited its growth till now,however the entry of low cost Asian producers and fast technology innovation has already brought solar power on parity with fossil fuels in some places like Italy,Turkey,Hawai etc.
March 30, 2011

Solar Roof – What does it Mean (Solar Tiles,BIPV),Solar Shingle Companies,Advantages

Solar Roofs are a niche area but is growing in popularity with the entry of more and more companies selling products tailormade for this area.What are Solar Roofs exactly - does it mean a Roof with Solar Panels installed on it or something else.Solar Roofs are not roofs where solar electricity is generated by putting in solar mounting/racking systems and mainstream solar panels,rather they are roofs where specialized solar products called solar shingles are installed.Solar Roofs can also mean a roof where Building Integrated Photovoltaic products are installed.Some companies make BIPV products like flexible solar panels or organic/dye solar cell panels ( these are niche companies).
March 30, 2011

Sharp Solar – Why its Dumb to Buy Expensive Sharp Solar Panels

Sharp is the biggest company in the world in terms of making revenues from sales of solar panels so it seems counterintuitive for someone to recommend not buying Sharp Solar Panels.However this Japanese Conglomerate has been losing marketshare rapidly to cheaper Asian competitors.Sharp due to its factories in high cost locations makes solar panels at a much higher cost and sells them at much higher prices as well.The reason is that they manage to sell so many solar panels is that consumers are not educated about other better options and the other solar panel companies don't have the distribution networks.Note Sharp has been trying to diversify away from crystalline solar panels to thin film solar panels.The reason is that they are losing the competitive advantage to Chinese companies like Trina Solar and others.
March 30, 2011

China trace radiation in Guangdong and Shanghai as Reactor 2 might have melted partially;TEPCO will take 30 years,$12 Billion to Decommission Fukushima

The radioactive fallout from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster is not only keeping Japan on high alert but also its neighbours.China has said that it has detected trace radiation levels from the spreading radiation in its provincial regions bordering Japan.Note most of the Chinese economic centres are situation near the eastern coast near Japan.Its 2 main cities of Guangdong and Shanghai have also detected trace levels of radioactive elements like iodine and caesium.Note China has turned back vessels and people from Japan in the last week because of high radiation levels.
March 29, 2011

High Levels of Caesium found 50 kms from Fukushima,6400 kilobequels (kBq) of caesium per square metre concentration found which is 4 times worse than Chernobyl

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster shows more dangerous radiation signs each day.While Plutonium Poisoning was found in the soil near the Nuclear Reactors,a more alarming development is the high levels of Caesium being found in areas far away from the plant.Note Caesium is a heavy element which is found in areas of radioactivity like Iodine 130.Caesium has a much bigger half life than iodine and can cause radiation poisoning for a much longer period.
March 29, 2011

List of World's Largest Hydroelectricity Plants and Countries – China Leading in building Hydroelectric Stations

Hydroelectricity power plants are the biggest power stations in the world dwarfing the biggest nuclear and coal power projects.The world's biggest power plant is the Three Gorge Dam in China which at 22.5 GW is more than 50% larger than the 2nd biggest power station in the world.Most of the world's largest hydroelectricity plants in the world are situation in China and South America.North America also has some of the larger hydro power plants.China is the by far the world leader in hydro power plant capacity with around 200 GW which it aims to double to around 400 GW by 2020.Other major hydroelectricity countries are Canada,USA,Brazil and India.Note Hydroelectricity is responsible for producing around 20% of the world's electricity.Here are some of the major world hydroelectricity power plants .
March 29, 2011

Hydroelectricity Disadvantages – 7 Cons of Hydro Power Can't overcome the Advantages

Hydroelectric Dams have disadvantages which are quite different from those of other forms of renewable energy like solar, wind, geothermal or nuclear energy. Hydro Power in […]
March 29, 2011

Hydroelectricity Advantages – Nine Major Pros of Hydel Power

Hydroelectricity is the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water.Hydroelectricity capacity is around 800 GW accounting for almost 20% of the global electricity capcity.China and Canada have the largest hydro capacities in the world.If you consider Hydropower as renewable energy,then Hydro is the most widely used renewable energy in the world.In fact Hydroelectricity is the 3rd biggest source of electricity in the world after coal and oil/gas.Hydroelectricity power plants can have massive capacities with the Three Gorges Dam in China being the world's largest at 22.5 GW.The Itiapu and Guri Dams in South America are the 2nd and 3rd largest with 14 GW and 10 GW capacities.China is set to double its massive hydroelectric capacity to almost 400 GW by 2020 from 20 GW currently.The advantages of Hydroelectricity are many
March 29, 2011

Electric Generating Capacity by Country – World Electricity Production Growth driven by Emerging Markets

The world's total electricity generating capacity is around 4500 GW (2007 figures) which is expected to increase by 1.7% each year to rise to 7000 GW by 2035 according to EIA.USA is still the world's largest electricity producing country with more than 20% of the world's power capacity with around 1 Terawatts of Electricity Capacity.China has been rapidly adding capacity in the last decade and the second biggest electricity producing country with more than 700 GW more than 70% of which is from coal fired power plants.Japan,Russia and India are No.3,4 and 5 on the list with 280 Gw,220 GW and 159GW respectively.Europe is the third largest region in terms of electricity capacity with more than 800 GW.India is rapidly increasing capacity and is projected to be the No.3 in the list by 2020 as it looks to more almost treble its current electricity capacity of around 150 GW (in 2007).
March 29, 2011

Solar Panel Manufacturers – Guide to the Biggest and Best

Solar Panel Manufacturers globally have kept on increasing due to the fast growing nature of the industry and low entry barriers.However most of the solar panel manufacturers have high costs and low quality.Most of these producers have little growth prospects and are a bad choice to buy from as they might go bellyup.This would lead to a void of the 25 year warranty of the solar panels.So it makes sense only to buy from the biggest and best solar manufacturers in the world.Solar Panel Manufacturers are present in most parts of the world with Korea,China,Taiwan,USA,Japan and Germany dominating.However small solar panel producers are also present in most countries like Spain,Greece,India etc.Solar Panels are of mainly 2 type - crystalline and thin film.Most of the solar panels produced today are of the crystalline type and are mostly used in residential rooftops.Thin film panels are mostly used in large ground solar power plants.Thin film solar panels are of lower efficiency and are lower priced as well.However falling costs of crystalline solar panels has led to their increasing dominance.
March 29, 2011

Cheap Solar Panels – Five Most Affordable Solar Panel Brands

Cheap Solar Panels are widely available with the entry of a multitude of Korean,Chinese and Taiwanese companies.Most of these solar panel manufacturers are fighting on price and have decent quality.With little to differentiate between solar panels made by different firms,cheapness has become the main selling point for these solar panels.Cheap Solar Panels can be bought by an informed customers as expensive Western and Japanese brands still hold a large marketshare.But buying these brands might not make sense economically or environmentally.You can easily avoid buying solar panels from BP Solar because they outsource manufacturing of their solar panels to cheaper locations.It is common sense to buy cheaper solar panels from the companies located in those low cost locations.
March 29, 2011

Plutonium Radioactive Poisoning – What you need to Know as Fukushima Leaks Dangerous Plutonium

TEPCO the beleaguered Japanese utility said that plutonium was found around the damaged nuclear reactor.Plutonium has been detected in soil at five locations at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said in a statement on MondayThe company could not confirm which of the reactors in the plant was leaking plutonium which is a very dangerous radioactive element.The No. 3 reactor is the only one at the six-reactor facility to use plutonium in its fuel mix.The United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency said the find was expected due to known fuel degradation, however Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency is highly worried about the radioactivity of the plutonium samples detected.
March 28, 2011

Disadvantages of Solar Power – Overpowered by the Pros of Solar Energy

Solar Power has been the fastest growing energy source in the last decade showing a compounded annual growth of over 50%.In 2010 alone,solar energy demand grew by almost 150% beating the most optimistic forecasts as costs kept on declining for this renewable energy source.While Solar Power continues to be one of the most expensive forms of energy,it is also the energy source where the costs are declining rapidly.However detractors of this alternative energy source keep pointing to its drawbacks.Note the Disadvantages of Solar Power are far overpowered by the Pros of Solar Energy.However the drawbacks of Solar Power do exist.Here are the Disadvantages of Solar Power .
March 28, 2011

Free Solar Panels – They don't Exist and Why you should not Confuse Free with Government Subsidies

Free Solar Panels don't exist just as Free iPads don't exist.Some websites and companies advertize free solar power or free solar panels based on government subsidies.Note even these free solar power offers are not completely free as they have a payback periods depending on how much government subsidies are given.Nobody is going to give you a free solar panel or a free iPad without a catch.
March 28, 2011

BP Solar Panels – Why you Should Avoid Buying Them (Environment,Pricing)

British Petroleum (BP) the multi billion dollar Oil and Gas Conglomerate is a strange player in the Renewable Energy Sector of Solar Energy.BP was a dominant company amongst the top 10 global manufacturers of solar panels till a few years ago.However the lack of interest on the part of management,low investment,lack of R&D has made it a bit player in the fast growing solar panel market.Companies which did not exist till a few years ago have outpaced BP to become top solar panel producers.However BP Solar Panels continue to sell in a number of market because of existing sales relationships and brand name.However it is only uneducated and uninformed consumers who are buying BP Solar Panels in my opinion.BP Solar Panels should be avoided both from an economic point of view and from the environment perspective.
March 28, 2011

In Japan Dangerous Level of Radioactivity Flares up Contaminates SeaWater,Greenpeace detects harmful radiation in Itate village 40 km north of Fukushima,calls for expanding the 20 km evacuation zone which government rejects,TEPCO asks for French Areva EDF CEA help

Dangerous levels of radiation has been detected in the water around the reactors as the Japanese government says that a partial meltdown has occured.While there is no confirmation about cracks in the pressure and containment vessels around the reactors,the radiation in the water inside Unit 2 has tested at radiation levels some 100,000 times normal amounts.Workers also discovered radioactive water in the deep trenches outside three units, with the airborne radiation levels outside Unit 2 exceeding 1,000 millisieverts per hour _ more than four times the amount that the government considers safe for workers.TEPCO officials said Sunday that radiation in leaking water in Unit 2 was 10 million times above normal.TEPCO has been giving confusing figures for radiation making it all the more difficult in understanding the gravity of the nuclear crisis.Note this disaster is only second to Chernobyl in its scale of radiation destruction.Tokyo and other parts have reported intermittently about high radiation in water and air.A ship from Mitsui was recently turned back from a Chinese port because of high levels of radiation.
March 28, 2011

Green Party makes Huge Inroads in Germany ,wins State Premiership in Baden-Wuerttemberg State ;Mass Demonstrations against Nuclear;Italy freezes Nuclear Power as well

The Green Party in Germany has continued its massive upsurge in popularity in Germany winning a huge slice of votes in key German states which have gone to polls recently.Green Party in Germany which is founded on the principles of social justice, reliance on grassroots democracy nonviolence, and an emphasis on environmentalism has remained a fringe player.However the recent backlash against the nuclear power plant extension by Merkel,the planning on high speed rail in Stuttgart and the frustration with the foreign and Euro policies of the ruling CDU has led to huge gains.Note Green Parties are found in most European countries though they remain non-existent in major Anglo-Saxon countries.However the recent Japanese nuclear disaster may give a fresh impetus as global warming effects continue to increase and nuclear energy comes under attack.Mass protests against nuclear power continue to be held in different cities in Germany
March 19, 2011

Nuclear Energy in India faces More Local Opposition (NIMBY) as Kovvada join Jaitapur Plant

India's ambitious nuclear energy plan to add around 2G of Nuclear Plant Capacity is running into more and more hurdles each day.Nuclear Energy in India got a boost when India and USA signed a 123 agreeement which removed India's pariah position in the International Nuclear Community allowing transfer of nuclear equipment and material.However the Japanese Nuclear Disaster has thrown a spanner into the works.The Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant in Maharashtra was already seeing huge protests from local villages and political parties.The news of the Nuclear Radiation from the Fukushima plant has added fuel to the Nuclear Fire it seems.Note only have the Jaitapur protests become more stringent but another planned plant in Kovvadu village in the south eastern state of Andhra Pradesh has run into trouble.Villagers from all 150 villages took out a rally demanding withdrawal of the proposed nuclear power plant in the wake of ongoing nuclear crisis in Japan.I had earlier written that the Biggest Fallout Effect of the Japanese Nuclear Accident would be the Not in My Backyard (NIMBY) opposition of all existing and proposed Nuclear Energy Reactors globally and this is exactly what is happening.
March 19, 2011

Chinese capture 7 of the Top 15 Positions in rankings of Wind Turbine Manufacturers

Chinese companies have risen from virtually nothing 5 years ago to become Top 5 Global Wind Energy Players.The Chinese companies have seen massive growth on the back of a strongly growing domestic market.China which now accounts of 50% of the world Wind Turbine market in 2010 is expected to see continued strong growth with the Chinese government setting a target of more than 100 GW by 2015.The growth of the Chinese Turbine Producers has been mainly due to the domestic content requirement set by the Chinese government earlier.The government owned utilities also favor the domestic companies leading to their astounding growth.
March 19, 2011

Another Chinese Conglomerate Linuo decides to build a massive gigawatt scale Solar Panel factory

While Chinese pure play solar panels companies have already captured a majority of the global solar module market,the entry of newer Chinese players into the solar energy market refused to stop.China's 5 largest state owned utilities have already made their presence felt in the Chinese domestic solar installation market by bidding extremely low to win projects under the Chinese Solar Subsidy program.Automotive companies like BYD have also announced a big investment into solar panel manufacturing while Hanlong and Bluestar Groups have decided to invest in the CPV and Polysilicon sectors respectively.
March 19, 2011

Australian,Indonesian,African Coal Mines Selling like Hot Cakes amongst Power Hungry Indian,Chinese Comanies

Coal Mines in Indonesia,Australia,Africa and North America are selling like hot cakes as Indian,Chinese companies as well as mining conglomerates like Rio Tinto,Vale,BHP Billiton fight to secure raw materials.Note India and China are consuming huge amounts of coal to power their thermal plants.While China consumes a monstrous 3 billion tons,Indian demand is rising at more than 10% a year though on a smaller base.Coal is the cheapest form of power despite its polluting and health hazardous affect.Though Coal Plants in Developed countries are becoming much more expensive to build due to taxes and opposition by environmental groups,there is no stopping their furious growth in countries like China and India.Though India too faces some environmental opposition,massive ultra mega power plants with capacity of 4000 MW are getting built by new Indian private utilities
March 19, 2011

Germany Solar Energy Market World's Biggest – Green Subsidies fuel growth German Photovoltaic Panel,Cell,Inverter Manufacturers

German's Solar Energy Market is the biggest in the world by a fair margin.Germany installed almost 6 gigawatts of solar panels in 2010 taking the total installed capacity to almost 16 GW which is 40% of the world's total installed solar capacity.Note Germany's Photovoltaic Solar Electricity now forms almost 10-15% of the total electricity production in the country at peak time.Note Germany's solar industry got a renewed boost when 7 old nuclear plants were shutdown following Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Disaster recently.Previously Germany had decided to extend the operating life of its Nuclear Plants despite stiff opposition.Germany Solar Subsidy which is framed under the Renewable Energy EEG law has made Germany one of the world's leaders in Wind,Solar and Biomass Energy.Germany's Manufacturing Industry has benefited from the strong domestic market with many of the world's top solar panel companies located there.Solar equipment,inverters and cell companies are also present in large numbers.Recently Germany amended its Feed in Tariff Law to slowdown the exponential growth in solar panel installations.This is over and above the regular reduction in solar subsidies done each year.