Abhishek Shah

April 13, 2011

Nuclear Waste Recycling – Why the USA does not do it and France,Japan do,Utility and Problems with Nuclear Reprocessing

Nuclear Recycling is the processing of the nuclear waste generated from the nuclear fuel cycle to extract useful elements like uranium and plutonium which can reused again in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle to generate electricity.About 97% of the used fuel can be recycled leaving only 3% as high-level waste. The recyclable portion is mostly uranium depleted to less than 1% U-235, with some plutonium, which is most valuable. Arising from a year's operation of a typical l000 MWe nuclear reactor, about 230 kilograms of plutonium (1% of the spent fuel) is separated in reprocessing. This can be used in fresh mixed oxide (MOX) fuel (but not weapons, due its composition). MOX fuel fabrication occurs in Europe, with some 25 years of operating experience. The main plant is in France, and started up in 1995.Major commercial reprocessing plants are operating in France and UK, with capacity of almost 5000 tonnes of used fuel per year, - equivalent to at least one third of the world's annual output. A total of some 90,000 tonnes of spent fuel has been reprocessed at these over 40 years.
April 13, 2011

Nuclear Waste Accidents – Happens with Alarming Regularity (USA,France,India,Brazil)

Nuclear Waste is one of the biggest disadvantages of Nuclear Energy generation apart from the dangers of nuclear reactor accidents,weapons proliferation etc.Governments around the world have mismanaged Nuclear Waste Management leaving the solution to another day.This procrastination has led to thousands of tons of nuclear waste being stored in temporary dry cask and wet pools.This High Level Nuclear Waste poses a big danger to human health from nuclear waste effects.Nuclear Energy proponents say that Nuclear Energy is quite safe with numerous safeguards but Nuclear Waste Accidents happen with alarming regularity around the world leading to a number of Radiation Deaths.Nuclear Waste Accidents and Deaths are even reported in countries which don't have Nuclear Power as Nuclear Waste is dumped in developing countries which have little environmental safeguards.Here is a list of some of the major nuclear waste accidents that have happened.
April 13, 2011

Effects of Nuclear Waste – Mostly Negative for Life

Nuclear Waste is generally a variety of solids,liquids and gases which are produced during the generation of nuclear energy during fission,mining of uranium,nuclear research and weapons production. They are normally classified as low-level, medium-level or high-level wastes, according to the amount and types of radioactivity in them.Nuclear Waste is radioactive and that is the primary cause of the negative effects on human health and bodies.Note Radiation iin small amounts do not cause any lasting damage as humans are exposed to natural radiation from radioactive deposits occurring naturally beneath the earth.However large doses or prolonged exposure to moderate radiation can lead to permanent problems and even lead to death.Note Nuclear Storage Policies are a complete mess around the world with no permanent geological sites being approved.
April 13, 2011

Nuclear Waste Storage – A Complete Mess with Lack of Policy ,Temporary Nuclear Sites in USA,Japan and France waiting for a permanent Nuclear Facility

Nuclear Waste is one of the most difficult waste products to transport and store because of its dangerous radioactive effects.Given the long life of some of the transuranic elements Nuclear Waste has to be stored in a safe manner for thousands of years which is a tough given that the chances of leakage become enormous in such a long time scale.Storing of Nuclear Waste has to be performed in a extremely complicated manner which is also enormously costly.Also there are problems of NIMBY with Nuclear Waste Storage as nearby residents don't want such toxic waste stored anywhere close especially as it does not bring any economic or social benefits.Not there is no permanent storage site despite many decades of planning and billions of dollars being spent.While Japan and Europe reprocess the fuel in the hope that they will be used again that remains a dream with thousands of tons of HLW piling up.USA does not reprocess and also has more than 60,000 tons of nuclear waste waiting for a final home.Till then most of the spent nuclear fuel is being stored in spent fuel pools and dry casks making them vulnerable just like another Fukushima
April 13, 2011

What is Nuclear Waste – Types of Nuclear Waste (High,Low,Uranium Tailings,NORM,Spent Fuel Rods) and Generation

Nuclear Waste has come under sharp focus after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in which Spend Fuel Rods were one of the biggest causes of the radioactive emission which has led to the Japanese Accident being labelled as INES Level 7 which is equal to the Chernobyl Accident.One of the biggest disadvantages associated with Nuclear Energy is the problem of Nuclear Waste which is generated after the Nuclear Fuel (Uranium) is processed.The transuranic elements which are produced have half lives of hundreds of years making it a difficult proposition to transport,handle and dispose them.A Number of Nuclear Plants have not factored in the high costs of Nuclear Waste Disposal making it another big issue in the problem of Nuclear Waste Nuclear Waste is the biggest con of Nuclear Electricity after the potential risks of a plant meltdown.Note Nuclear Waste is an ongoing problem and it has not been resolved in the USA where a permanent facility at Yucca mountains has run into a massive controversy.The long life of High Level Nuclear Waste,its pernicious effects on human health and difficulty in handling and storing make it difficult problem.However Nuclear Electricity forms almost 15% of the global electricity production and the tons of Nuclear Waste have to be dealt with however problematic and dangerous it might be
April 12, 2011

Clean Coal Technologies – Greenwashing or Reality – List of Coal Technologies – IGCC,CHP,FBC,UCC,CCS

Coal is the largest source of electricity supply in the world with 41% of the global power coming from the burning of coal.The Pros of Coal have made the growth of Thermal Power Plants accelerate in developing countries like China and India.This has made Coal Stocks run up by more than 150% in 2010 and another 30% in 2010.However Coal is also the greatest contributor to Greenhouse Gas Emissions.Coal is also responsible for thousands of deaths directly and indirectly due to Coal Mining and Coal Combustion which leads to waste products like Mercury,Arsenic etc which are extremely toxic to human health.To solve the twin problems of cheap energy and global warming, a number of technologies have been been proposed which would reduce the harmful effects of Coal Combustion. Despite a number of Clean Coal Technologies being developed and employed,carbon emissions from Coal Ming and Use can only be partly reduced and will not make a major impact on the problem of Climate Change.Clean Coal Technology is not a Green Solution to the Disadvantages of Coal.Saying that implementing Clean Coal Technology will result in Climate Change Mitigation is Greenwashing.That said these technologies need to be implemented till the world is ready to move away from its addiction to cheap energy provided by Coal even though it has a deleterious long term affect.
April 12, 2011

Solar Power Plant Project – How to Build a Solar Plant in 10 Steps

Solar Power Plants have mushroomed in different parts of the world as Global Solar Demand has increased by more than 150% in 2010.Solar Power Plants built on the Ground differ from that put on the Roofs of Houses as they require to go through feasibility,environmental assessment,grid connection,siting etc. which is typical for a large industrial project.The time taken to build a solar power plant project is also much more than a rooftop residential solar installation.Solar Farms are being mainly being built in countries which have subsidy program like tax rebates,feed in tariffs etc.However building a solar plant has become quite easy unlike in the past as solar panel,solar inverters and installation expertise is more easily available.The regulations and permits for building a solar plant or a solar farm on the other hand differ from country to country and region to region depending on federal and state laws.For a Large Solar Plant like the Aqua Caliente,there are a number of permitting steps that have to be passed before the plant can be built.For smaller power plants in the 5 MW range the requirements are less.In general the smaller the size of the solar installation,the lower the number of regulations required.Here are the steps required in building a Solar Power Plant
April 12, 2011

Solar Lamps in India – Green Bottom of the Pyramid,Price of Solar Lamps and Major Manufacturers

Solar Lamps or Solar Lanterns have seen astounding growth in India driven mainly by the lack of access to electricity and the high costs of Kerosene or gas lamps.Note Solar Lamps have been so successful in India mainly due to their economic utility rather than their Green Characteristics.Note 100,000 Indian villages do not yet have electricity which means that the productivity comes to a complete stop in the dark.Poor schoolchildren cannot study in the dark and people cannot work in the night either.Note Kerosene a dirty oil refined product is the main source of energy for millions of Indian citizens.Kerosene is a health hazard resulting in accidental fires and causing a lot of smoke which can lead to various respiratory diseases.Note Kerosene is subsidized by the Indian government and distributed through the Public Distribution System (PDS) which is a massively corrupt and inefficient system.The Kerosene is given in limited quantities and is not sufficient to Light the Darkness for a month or more.The advent of Solar LED Lamps has been a godsend solution to this problem.
April 12, 2011

Solar Inverter in India – Guide to Solar Inverter Manufacturers,Price and Types

Solar Power In India is seeing massive growth driven by favorable government subsides,India's rising Energy Demand and Declining Costs of Solar Energy.PV Solar Systems not only consist of Solar Panels but also of Solar Inverters,Wires,Junction Boxes and other Balance of System Equipment.Solar Inverters are the most important part of a Solar Panel after Solar Panels and form around 10-15% of the Solar System Cost though it can be more or less depending on the type of technology,vendor etc.Solar Inverters in India are mostly imported though a few domestic and interanational manufacturers have set up manufacturing operations.Note Solar Inverters had been in shortage in 2010 due to a shortage of IGBTs which are semicondutor components.However a rapid capacity expansion by major solar inverter manufacturers like SMA,Power-One has led to a glut in solar inverters.Solar Inverters can cost between 30-60c/watt depending on the type,size,vendor etc.The ~$2.1 billion market in 2009 with 7 GW of installations has increased by more than 130% to around $5 billion in 2010 as the solar panel demand globally increased to around 17 GW.Note Solar Inverter Companies have done much better as competition is much lower and the annual price declines in solar inverters has been much lower at around 10% compared to the 50% decline in solar panel in the last 2-3 years..Note Solar Inverters are required for all types of Solar PV applications like Thin Film,CPV and Crystalline.
April 12, 2011

Types of Renewable Energy – Major,Minor Types of Alternative Energy and Quasi Clean Energy

Type of Renewable Energy have been increasing with development in Technology and the imperative of using Alternative Energy as Fossil Fuels deplete and increase in costs.Besides Global Warming has made the benefits of Renewable Energy seem more attractive with each passing year.Note though there are many niches Renewable Energy types,the Three Major Forms of Renewable Energy are Solar Energy,Wind Energy and Biomass Energy (Biofuels).Nuclear and Hydro Energy are not considered as Renewable Energy according to the strict definition of Renewable Energy.However Hydro and Nuclear Energy both are responsible for more than 15% of global electricity production each.The clean energy industry saw a 30% increase in investments to $243 billion in 2010 which was another record year for Renewable Energy Capacity addition.Around 18 GW of Solar Energy and 38 GW of Wind Energy were installed with Solar Energy Capacity increasing by a whopping 150% from 2009.\wind power continued to lead at $95 billion. The solar sector is experiencing significant growth, with investments growing at 53% to $79 billion (source Pew).
April 12, 2011

Benefits of Renewable Energy – Saving Mankind

Renewable Energy has become a very hot topic amongst the masses and global leaders as the problems with non-renewable energy manifest themselves in various virulent forms like the BP Oil Spill,Coal Mine Deaths,Energy Insecurity etc.Renewable Energy as the name implies has the greatest benefit of being renewable that is it does not get exhausted like the Oil beneath the Earth.Fossil Fuels which are the primary non-Renewable Energy form suffers from the problem that it releases Carbon sequestered in the ground in the form of Carbon Dioxide and other Greenhouse Gases.These GHG emissions lead to Global Warming which can have catastrophic effect on mankind even endangering the very existence in the worst case scenario.However Fossil Fuel Lobbies are very strong and have tried to obfuscate the Climate Change Issue.They have been able to do that because Climate Change is highly complex and the outcome is not 100% or even 90% certain.But repeated studies have shown that human induced Carbon Emissions will lead to major changes in the weather,sea level rise and other disasters.We can see Climate Changing already with massive floods and droughts and the highest temperature recorded in the last 200 or so years.
April 12, 2011

Brightsource Energy – Understanding this Solar Thermal Company – Technology,Competitors (eSolar),Ivanpah,When will it IPO Stock List

Brightsource Energy,the Solar Thermal Startup has been making huge progress getting high profile investors and managing a $1.37 billion DOE grant for its Ivanpah 392 MW Solar Thermal Power Plant.The Company has managed to get its billion dollar Ivanpah Project financed through equity investments from NRG Energy and Google.It is now looking set to do an IPO which would allow its Stock to List and gain further funds for expansion in USA,China and India.Note I don't think Solar Thermal Technology is managing to compete effectively with the fast declining costs of Solar Photovoltaic Technology.However there still exists a niche area for Solar Thermal Companies and Technology.Note there are a number of Solar Thermal Companies fighting for the No.1 Position which includes giants like Siemens,Areva,Abengoa and startups like eSolar.Which one of these companies will be successful in the face of the Solar PV Onslaught is a matter of debate.However Brightsource has certainly stole a march through smart funding.Here is some facts about Brightsource Energy
April 12, 2011

High Levels of Cesium Radiation 2.19 million becquerels (Chernobyl -550,000) 30 kms outside Fukushima Evacuation Zone forces INES to raise Danger Level to 7 from 5 – Why did Japanese Government ignore earlier Greenpeace,IAEA Warning

A study of soil samples conducted by a team of experts from Kyoto University and Hiroshima University has revealed that as much as 400 times the normal levels of radiation could remain in communities beyond a 30-kilometer radius from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.The study found cesium-137 at levels between about 590,000 and 2.19 million becquerels per cubic meter.After the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the former Soviet Union in 1986, residents who lived in areas where cesium-137 levels exceeded 555,000 becquerels were forced to move elsewhere.
April 11, 2011

Wind Power in India – What you Wanted to Know about Wind Turbines,Indian Wind Companies,Subsidies,Capacity,Offshore Wind and Wind Farms

Wind Power in India forms the biggest Renewable Energy Sector in India with an annual investment of around $2.5-3.5 Billion a year and a capacity installation of around 1-2 Gw a year.The Wind Industry in India has shown tremendous growth to become the 5th largest global market by installed capacity which totaled around 13 GW by end 2010.With the government of India mandating a target of 15% from Renewable Energy by 2020 from 6% now,Wind Energy stands to gain immensely.A Number of Private Companies like Caparo,Technoelectric,KSK,Orient Green Power,Greenko have newly entered the Wind Electricity sector and are setting up hundreds of megawatts of capacity each.Wind Energy Companies in India have also rushed to set up Wind Turbine Equipment Manufacturing alone or in JV with foreign partners while Global WTG Companies like Siemens,GE are adding to their Indian factories as well.States like Maharashtra which are low on Green Energy Capacity are giving additional incentives and subsidies to promote the use of Wind Energy while low speed Wind sites are being targeted as well.
April 11, 2011

Wind Industry in India – Chinese Wind Turbine Manufacturer Shanghai Electric enters following Dongfang courtesy KSK Energy

Wind Energy Companies in India were already facing trouble when China's largest power equipment producer and the 3rd largest Wind Turbine Manufacture Dongfang Electric won major Wind Contracts from Power Producers.Note Chinese companies have become the low cost leaders in the Wind Equipment Industry and sell much below Western competitors.Leading WTG companies from the West like Vestas and Gamesa are reeling from Chinese competition and slowdown in Western markets.Suzlon too has been affected as Korean shipbuilders and Chinese wind producers have become major players.India is the world's fifth biggest wind energy market and is expected to continue to build 1.5-2 GW wind power plants per year for the next decade.
April 11, 2011

Integrated c-Si Solar Polysilicon to Module Plant by BHEL,BEL India's Two Largest Capital Goods Government Companies JV to be set up

Solar Power in India is increasing at a rapid pace and will become one of the biggest energy industries in the next decade as falling costs of solar energy and India's rising demand makes it a perfect match.Solar Companies in India are constanly growing by the day as firms rush in to take advantage of the vast investment and profit potential in India's Solar Energy Market.BHEL which is India’s largest Capitals Good Company has big solar ambitions.BHEL has strong capabilities in the field of making electricity generating equipment.Extending these capabilities in the field of solar power generation is a natural extension.It is following the JV route with various other Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) like HPCL,BEL and IOC to build power plants and solar equipment factories in the country.Most of these JVs have been dormant till now but the JV with BEL is now looking to move on.The JV is scouting for sites to build a 250 MW integrated c-Si Solar Factory which will also have India's first polysilicon and wafer manufacturing operations.Note India has a large capacity of solar cells and modules but does not have a commercial solar wafer or poly plant which are essential raw materials for making Solar Panels.Till now Solar Panels in India are made from imported Solar Wafers from companies like LDK,GCL,REC,Solarworld and others.There are a few private companies who are looking to set up upstream manufacturing in solar as well.Note there are other Indian government owned PSUs which too are looking to enter Solar Energy Industry as well
April 11, 2011

Biggest Solar Power Plant – A Moving Target Being Superseded by even Bigger Solar Plants from First Solar

Solar Power Plants till a couple of years were quite small compared to the mainstream energy power plants.Most power plants were in the double digit range with no Solar Farms having the capacity of 100 MW or greater.This is in reference to PV Solar Power Plants and not to Solar Thermal Plants which are bigger in size.Note Solar Thermal Plants by the very nature of technology require larger sizes to be economical just like Thermal or Nuclear Power Plants.On the other hand PV Power Plants do not gain much in economies of scale and government prefer giving subsidies to distributed rooftop solar installations rather than large solar farms.
April 11, 2011

Meyer Burger becomes 2nd largest Solar Equipment Manufacturer in $10 Billion Market acquiring German Roth & Rau

Meyer Burger (MBTN.S) the 6th largest supplier of solar equipment in the world jumped up 2 places by acquiring the 7th largest global solar equipment manufacturer Roth & Rau of Germany for a little over $500 million.The combined company will have revenues of over $900 million overtaking another Germany company Centrotherm with $825 million in revs.Note Applied Materials continues to be the market leader in the solar equipment market with $1.5 billion in solar equipment revenues just like it is the leader in the semiconductor equipment market.Note while European solar module producers have seen their marketshare and revenues crumbling in the face of the Chinese onslaught , there domination of the solar equipment continues. European Solar Companies had found things going tough in 2009 as the solar market changed radically with the Lehman crisis.As the prices of the raw material Polysilicon crashed and Chinese competition increased,these companies started bleeding red ink in a prodigious manner.The high cost structure of these companies with factories in Europe stood naked against the competition.With high debt loads,there was a high chance that these companies would go bankrupt.Most of them like Q-Cells,REC started to move manufacturing to Asia while Solarworld moved to Europe.
April 11, 2011

Electricity in South Africa a Mess – 25% Price Hike Each Year, Electricty Blackouts, Renewable Energy focus as 90% Coal Dependence

South Africa the most economically developed country in the African continent is also is one of the most dependent countries on Coal Energy.Almost 90% of the country's requirements of Electrcity comes from GHG emitting dirty Thermal Power Plants.Sasol which is a leading energy provider in South Africa is the global leader in Coal to Liquid and Coal to Gas Technologies.In fact most of the Fuel Production in South Africa comes from Sasol plants built long time ago to take advantage of the country's mineral rices and avoid the oil embargo placed on the country during apartheid.The country's electricity situation is massively mismanaged with Eskom a monopoly producer and supplier of electricity hardly adding any capacity.This is due to low prices of electricity which now is being added suddenly at 25% each year.This comes after huge shortages slowing down the economy. South Africa has also come up with new Energy Plan which will largely replace Coal Energy by Nuclear and Renewable Sources of Energy.Note South Africa had been in talks to establish a massive solar plants with funding from China which would have used Suntech Solar Panels.There were also rumors of Yingli suppling solar equipment to the country.
April 11, 2011

Market Vectors KOL ETF Review- Why you should Buy this Well Diversified Coal Investment

Market Vectors KOL ETF provides a good well diversified way to invest in Coal which is seeing a massive upsurge in demand driven by India and China.For investors looking for individual stocks here is a list of US Solar Companies and Stocks and Indian Coal Stocks.China with around 3 Billion Tons of Coal Consumption and India with another 500 million Tons depend on King Coal for majority of their Energy Needs.While China generates 80% of its Electricity from Coal,India generates around 65%.While both countries have Huge Reserves and Production of Coal,their voracious demand is leading to surging imports.These Imports are being sourced from countries like Australia,Canada and USA which are going through Coal Mining Booms.Ports are getting congested as Infrastructure failed to meet the growing coal needs of India and China..The Biggest Advantages of Coal its Abundance and Cheapness of Coal has made it the Fossil Fuel of Choice for Electricity Companies building power plants in developing countries despite its Drawbacks.This has led to a fight to secure Coal Supplies through vertical integration into buying up of coal mines,building ports and railways to transport Coal.Though India too faces some environmental opposition,massive ultra mega power plants with capacity of 4000 MW are getting built by new Indian private utilities.
April 11, 2011

Biomass Energy and Rice perfect partners as Electricity Costs rise in India

A number of Agricultural Companies and Green Utilities are focusing on setting up biomass plants in different places in India.Note Biomass Energy accounts for almost 20-30% of the Energy Requirements of the country and is the main source of energy for most of the rural communities for cooking and heating.Biomass Energy is best suited where Crop and Animal Residue are cheaply available.Most of India's Biomass Power Plants have been built by companies involved in agri industries particularly sugar.Now Rice Companies are finding Biomass Energy perfect for their needs as they generate huge amounts of waste Rice Husk which can be used to generate electricity for their inhouse needs as well as for sale to the power grid.Note on top of this,Rice Biomass Electricity is also eligible for Subsidies from the State Governments.Haryana is seeing a surge in Rice based Electricity Plants with 16 MW installed already.Note Haryana is one of the top agri states in India alongwith Punjab and provides a lot of potential.Note a number of Rice Companies such as Lakshmi Energy and Foods have made Biomass Electricity a key part of their growth strategies even changing their names.Here are a couple of Rice Companies with aggressive Biomass Electricity Plans.
April 11, 2011

Investing in Coal a Good Idea (Think China,India) – USA Coal Companies,Stocks (Tickers) Rising valuations

Coal is the biggest source of Energy for Electricity Production in the world and its use is expected to continue to grow to 44% of the Electricity Production by 2030 (IEA).Despite Coal having many dangerous disadvantages,its Advantages of cheapness and abundance have made it the Fossil Fuel of choice.With global reserves estimated to be around 200 years,it does not have the "peak oil" characteristics as well.Though not a Coal Fan,nonetheless Coal stocks are a great investment choice due to the fact of its growing demand which is outstripping supply.China and India are massively growing their electricity,steel and cement production which requires billions of tons of coal.China consumers almost 45% of the global coal production while Indian demand is growing by leaps and demands as well.Indian Power Utilities are grabbing up Coal Mines in Africa,Australia and Asia to secure feedstock for their gigawatt thermal power plants.Despite its growing importance Coal does not have a lot of choice in terms of investment unlike Fossil Fuels like Oil and Gas.Here is a list of Coal Stocks which one can invest in and the sole Coal ETF - Market Vectors Coal ETF (KOL).
April 11, 2011

Coal Advantages and Disadvantages – Pros of Coal Winning Despite Dangerous Cons

Coal is one of the most important sources of energy for mankind providing an easy way to generate energy in a cheap manner.The relative abundance and low costs of using Coal has made it the the first choice of Fuel for building Power Plants in the world.Coal has huge importance as an Energy source and forms the most important raw material for Cement and Steel.Coal is also used in a variety of other industries like Paper,Aluminium,Chemical,Transportation and Pharma.However Coal also has huge negative consequences as it is the largest source of Carbon Emissions which happen during Coal Combustion.Coal Mining despite two hundred years remain as hazardous as ever resulting in thousands of deaths in India and China.Mercury,Arsenic and pollution of other harmful substances into the environment causes diseases and many deaths as well.However for countries like India and China there are little other alternatives and there is no conviction amongst policymakers to change their energy strategies as well.So the advantages of Coal are currently overpowering those of the Cons of Coal.This despite Coal being the dirtiest form of Energy and causing many deaths globally.The main reason for the cheapness of Coal is that the societal costs are not added on explicitly to the Price of Coal making it seem artificially cheap.
April 10, 2011

Biomass Disadvantages – Not Many and Easily Solved

Biomass Energy is the oldest source of Energy known to mankind and till the 19th century was the primary energy source.Even now Biomass Energy is used of Heating and Cooking by a large percentage of the Human Population.Biomass Energy with improving technology is being now used to construct large power plants.Growing Concerns over Climate Change and soaring Coal Prices are making some Power Plants convert from Coal to Biomass as a Fuel Source.Biomass Energy has many advantages such as being Carbon Neutral,using Animal and Crop Wastes in a useful manner,being poor friendly etc.However Biomass Energy like other Renewable Energy forms of Geothermal Energy faces problems of resources.However Biomass Energy suffers from some unique drawbacks like the problem of regular feedstock which becomes tough to acquire in times of drought etc.Biomass Energy also if not used appropriately can result in terrible air pollution as is the case with a majority of the Biomass Energy being used in the backward areas of the world today.Here is a list of the Cons of Biomass.
April 10, 2011

Coal Renewable Energy – How Green Energy stacks up vs Black Coal

Coal is a dominant source of energy for humans accounting for almost for a quarter percentage of human energy consumption and majority of the global electricity production.However Coal is considered as the Dirtiest form of Energy as it leads to Air Pollution,Mercury Poisoning,Global Warming.Renewable Energy is considered as the solution with its non-polluting characteristics,energy security,freedom from peak everything.However Renewable Energy is way more expensive than Coal Energy making it difficult for Renewable Energy to take over Coal.However growing Global Warming Costs will weigh in the future making it inevitable that Green Energy catches up.Here is a list of the pros and cons of Green vs Black where Green represents Renewable Energy and Black represents Coal.Note Green Energy will ultimately win in the end,its only a question of how soon because if the realization comes too late then Climate Change might go far enough to cause catastrophic damage.
April 10, 2011

Real Estate Prices in India go through the Roof in a Bubble – Reasons for Rise Tax Laws,Corruption,Black Money,Policy Stupdity

Real Estate Prices in India have gone through the roof crossing the highs they made during the 2008 run-up.Note real estate in a lot of places globally are in a bubble right now - China,Australia,Canada .However the India Real Estate Bubble is seldom talked about as it has not reached the levels reached for example in China.However the property prices are becoming increasingly irrational.The causes of the Real Estate Prices increases in India are mostly due to the fact that Market Forces are not allowed to operate freely.The regulations,corruption,lack of transperncy,vested interests,cultural factors all have a role to play.Here are some of the reason that I think Real Estate Prices are totally irrational in India.Readers of this Blog are urged to add their views as this is a complex discussion and many people will say that Real Estate in India in not a Bubble but a result of High Population Density,Demand,India's Economic Growth .
April 10, 2011

Inequality in India – Increasing as Poor Stop Eating,Middle Class Stops Eating Out and Super Rich Buys Jets and Yachts

India's Income Disparity is not growing among the rich and the very poor but also widening between its super rich and middle classes.Note India's Middle Class is not as big as a percentage of the population in the developed countries and its per capita income is also much lower.However India's Middle Class is growing as the economy grows by 8-9% and despite the lopsided economic growth some of the massive wealth that is being generated does trickle to the middle class.However those gains are being eroded by a Persistent Double Digit inflation which has entrenched itself.Despite periodic interest rate increases,India's Central Bank has miserably failed on the Inflation Front in the last couple of years.First it was having too loose a policy to overcome the effects of the global eco crisis in the aftermath of the Lehman collapse.Now it was too slow to raise rates as commodity price increased dramatically.
April 10, 2011

MT India – What Medical Transcription in India Means and MT Industry,Growth and Problems

MT India is a short form of Medical Transcription in India .Medical Transcription is one of the fastest growing outsourcing services in the Health Industry and is being increasingly outsourced the the world's top off shoring destination India.Note this provides a win-win for both the parties as the medical services gain by lowering their costs through outsourcing of a basic rudimentary service at a much lower price while the outsourced destinations gain through increased employment and labor.There are a number of companies providing end to end medical outsourcing services in India.Note Medical Billing Companies in India are increasing at a rapid rate and growing in size as well.Though much smaller than their technology outsourcing cousins,Medical Transcription,Coding and Billing Companies in India alongwith Legal Outsourcing Companies are a very fast growing niche in in the Indian Outsourcing Industry.
April 9, 2011

Toy Rentals Good Green Idea – How it Works,Advantages,Toy Library Companies List,India Toy Rentals

Toy Rentals are Companies that work on the concept of Libraries where Books are substituted by Toys,Children Books,Children Puzzles etc.Toy Rentals are a relatively new concept and have gained traction in different countries first though they are far from mass scale such as Car Rental Companies.The concept of Toy Rental Service or Toy Libraries is fast catching on in developing countries like India as well where the obvious value add to both companies and buyers make it a sharply growing industry. Toy Rentals are a Green Concept as they help in reducing Waste,Promotes Sharing and Reduces your Carbon Footprint.It not only is Green but also has the following advantages 1) Reduces Cost of Ownership of Toys,Books,etc 2) Allows a Child to Play with new and unique toy not possible in a single ownership model 3) Reduces the Space Requirements in your House which also helps the Environment
April 9, 2011

Disadvantages of Coal Energy- Biggest Contributor to Global Warming is Coal's Biggest Drawback

Coal is the Biggest Contributor to Global Warming generating billions of tons of carbon dioxide during combustion.Coal is one of the most abundant fossil fuels available on earth and it is expected that Coal will last another 200 years.The mass usage of Coal and its deleterious effect on the environment makes Coal a controversial choice of Energy.Coal is responsible for 25% of Human Energy Consumption and is the largest producer of Electricity in the world. Coal causes Human Deaths in the Thousands each year directly through Mining Deaths and Indirectly through Human Diseases like Lung Cancer,Mercury and Arsenic Poisoning.The costs of Coal are artificially low because these costs are passed onto society and not explicity added onto the cost of coal powered electricity or coal products like Steel and Cement.Reducing Coal Usage gradually is a big necessity but given the growing hunger for energy by India and China and lack of a Climate Agreement that looks unlikely in the near future