India has got one of the most highly respected diasporas in the globe with the US Indian community being the richest immigrate community. Indians tend to […]
Czech Solar Developers Accused The Czech Republic has witnessed the biggest solar boom in the world relative to its economy. The country saw a huge increase […]
Subsidies and Low Labor cost not the reason for Chinese Solar Competitiveness NREL and MIT don’t think that low wage costs and generous subsidies are driving […]
Slowdown in the Indian Solar Industry The India solar growth story is sputtering, with only 1500 MW of solar capacity getting installed till date. The main […]
The Indian wind energy industry was finally seeing some rays of hope with the government reinstating the wind power subsidies in the form of Generation Based […]
One of the main reasons for India’s current economic issues is the total absence of decent leadership in the country. The country’s politicians are so busy […]
A new Body to manage Wind Energy in India India has not done anything much in offshore wind energy installations with other countries such as China, […]
India and Iran tiff over Oil Tanker Despite India’s large size and huge army, the country’s leadership remains weak kneed and soft. The country has been […]
India Power Industry The less said about India’s power administration structure the better. The country has already earned the in-dubious distinction of hosting the biggest power […]
India Wind Energy Developers Indian wind developer Myntrah and the Indian wind energy association have stopped the reverse auctions for wind energy farms by the western […]
China has massively over-invested in its industrial infrastructure in the last decade, as negative real interest rates have fueled extreme mal-investment in some industries. Steel, shipbuilding, […]
India to impose Anti-dumping duties soon The Chinese and other Asian players like Malaysia and Taiwan have continued to supply their solar cells and modules all […]
Rising Electricity tariffs in India Electricity tariffs in India are increasing rapidly, where both the quality and quantity of power is quite bad. We had talked […]
Real Estate crash in India Estate prices have kept moving upwards relentlessly even as other asset classes have languished. Corporate mis-governance and corruption has driven investors […]
Cheap money and over-investment has led to a catastrophic overcapacity in the solar panel industry leading to solar panel prices falling by more than 80% in […]
Net Metering Distributed solar energy is growing at an exponential rate with 80,000 homes in the US installing solar panels last year, raising the total to […]
LDK faces working capital crisis LDK Solar (LDK) which used to be the world’s biggest supplier of solar wafers and was building the biggest polysilicon plant is now contracting […]
USA is the biggest electricity market in the world with more than 1000 GW of capacity and accounts for almost 20% of the world’s electricity capacity. […]
Goldman Sachs invests in ReNew Power, India Investment giant Goldman Sachs is sharply increasing its investment in renewable energy projects around the world. The company invested in […]
Indian states come around to promoting Solar Rooftop Installations after being fixated on ground mount plants Indian states have finally come around to supporting rooftop solar […]